Friday, November 25, 2011

When did Mary Ann Green die?

The quick answer is "probably by 1880, maybe even by 1871 or 1872."

In fact, the 1870 Census is the last time we see evidence of Mary Ann.

In the 1870 US Census for AL, Mary is 49 and living with husband Jno in Brierfield, Bibb County. He is 60, works in a wagon shop, born So. Carolina, a male citizen of the US. In the household are daughters Ellen, 15, Susan, 13, and Antoinette, 12. Also son Abram, 19, who works on a farm. Neighbors are Williams, Garrett, Charles Rea, Oakley, Barnes, Quillans, and a few doors away, Mike & Britta Flynn.

Consider these facts:

1. On April 4, 1872 J. P. McKinney married Mrs. L. F. Morgan in Bibb County at the home of Mr. or Mrs. Quillan. Bondsman was A. E. (Abraham Early) McKinney, performed by James W. Wood; J. Gardner, Judge of Probate. While it’s possible that Mary Ann and John, Sr.'s son, John, Jr., married Mrs. Morgan, it’s likely that it really was the father. They all moved to Leflore County, MS, by 1876, when A.E. married Savannah Davis. (Marriage licenses at and

2. In 1879 John Quillan married Mahalia (Antoinette/Armetta J.) McKinney in Leflore County ( Note that John P. married Mrs. Morgan at the home of the Quillans in 1872.

3. Mary Ann is not in the household in 1880. In fact, the head of household (John's) status is listed as "widowed."

In the 1880 US Census for MS, K.P. McKinney is 71, born SC, in LeFlore County, Beat 3, District 135, widowed. Parents born SC. In the household are daughter J or I Quinnon and son-in-law John Quinnon. Both born AL. Sarah Ellen and husband J. Pinkney Lemly are on the page after them in LeFlore County. Daughter J. is born AL, parents born SC, John Quinnon is born AL, parents born AL. Quillan-Quillan-Quinnon. Coincidence? I think not.

4. J. C. McKinney is listed in the Third District of Leflore County in the 1880 Returns for MS State Census at He is 70. born SC, farmer.

(FYI: By 1880 Lucinda Morgan McKinney was divorced from JP and living in LeFlore County, MS, with her son George Morgan. But I digress.)

So a good theory, supported by plenty of proof, is that Mary Ann died between 1870 and 1872 in Bibb County. I haven't found her gravesite or death certificate. But I will. If it's there to find in Bibb County. I'll find it next trip.

RIP, Mary Ann Green McKinney.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Help dating the Britta/MD photo

Ha ha!

Richard T. Boyett, or someone in his studio, took the picture of Britta Ann and Mary Drucilla that we're trying to date. In the lower right hand corner of the photograph stands the address 2007 Second Ave. in Birmingham.

The 1896 City Directory for Birmingham:

Name: Boyett, Richard T
Address: USA, AL ,Birmingham, 2005-1/2 2nd Avenue

Source Detail:
Roberts and Son Directory of The City of Birmingham and Suburbs 1896

The 1897 City Directory from Birmingham:

Name: Boyett, Richard T
Address: USA, AL, Birmingham, 2005-1/2 2nd avenue
Source: Birmingham AL 1897 City Directory

Source Detail:
Maloney Directory Co. City Directory of Birmingham, Alabama 1897

Name: Boyett, R T
Address: USA, AL, Birmingham, 2007-1/2 2nd Avenue

Source Detail:
The Maloney Directory Company's Birmingham 1899 Directory, Birmingham Alabama.

Name: Boyett, R T
Address: USA, AL, Birmingham, 2007-1/2 2nd Avenue
Description: From: Maloney's Birmingham City Directory 1901
Since we don't have the 1898 directory, and it's possible that Boyett moved in 1897, the earliest the photo could have been taken would be 1897, when Boyett would have had new photo sleeves printed.
A date of 1897 jibes better with the appearance of Britta Ann and Mary Drucilla. BA, born in 1834, would have been 64+ and Mary Drucilla would have been 39+. If 1897 is the date, then it is conceivable that the children are MD's youngest, Carrie and Joseph T. Much later and the kids would probably be MD's grandchildren.
I still think that Britta and MD look closer to 70 and 40+ respectively. But at least we know the earliest date for the photo.
Thanks to for getting back to me so fast!

Dating the picture of Britta and Mary Drucilla

I have tried to date the picture of Britta and Mary Drucilla, but the best I can do is say the picture is between 1890 and 1910. Dating it accurately depends on four factors:

1. Learning more about the work of the photographer, R.T. Boyett.

2. Their clothing

3. Guessing the ages of Britta and Mary Drucilla

4. Identifying the children in the picture

About #1:

There is a website called which has the photographer, Richard T. Boyett, in its database. Though I paid the fee, the website won't let me access the database. So we'll have to see how good their customer service is.

In checking out other sites about Mr. Boyett, I found this:

Enumeration District 138, Sheet 16 B, Precinct 37, City of Birmingham, 11 June, #271

BOYETT, Richard T. head W M Sep 1864 35 M-7 GA GA GA Photographer, owns mort. home Susie wife W F Aug 1865 34 M-7 AL TN AL mother of 2, 2 living
James W. son W M Nov 1894 5 S AL GA AL
Eva S. dau W F Apr 1898* 1 S AL GA AL *If born in 1898, should be 2 yrs

I found it here:

So Mr. Boyett had TWO jobs: one as a photographer and one as a mortician. And at this site:

we find that Boyett was "{one of}...Birmingham’s best known early photographers." He was born about 1866 and died in 1938. So the picture could have been taken anytime from when he began (no younger than age 10, or 1888) till 1919 (Britta's death).

Learning about Mr. Boyett has not helped much help so far. I'll report back.

About #2 & #3:

Their clothing dates the picture to before the flapper era, and that's about all I can say. The clothes have characteristics of women's clothes of many eras, starting about the 1860's. They're good clothes but not fine clothes. On top of which neither Britta nor MD were wealthy. The dresses are probably good Sunday dresses. If the dresses are black because the ladies were widows, then the photo was taken between 1914 and 1919. Britta would have been about 80 and MD about 60 (plus or minus a few years for both). I just don't see that. Britta looks 70ish, and MD 40 - 50. That would put the time frame where I described it: 1890 - 1910.

About #4:

The children in the picture have to be Britta's grandchildren. Britta was done with childbearing by 1874, when Maggie Flynn Reinier was born. As that would have made R.T. Boyett a photographer at age 11, "I dun thin so, Lucy." Plus at that point, MD would have been around 20, which she certainly isn't.

It is possible that the children are MD's last two children, Carrie Edins, born March 1896 and Joseph T., born April 1897. Possible. The child on the right looks no more than two. Closer to 1.5 really. The child on the left is no more than four, and probably closer to three.

Using 1890 as a start date and 1910 as an end date, there are several children who could fit the bill:

Carl Eddins, b. 1902

Simmon Eddins, b. about 1903

Myrtle Dddins, b. about 1905

Horace Eddins, b. about 1910

A. T. Pinson, b. 1896

B. B. Pinson, b. 1897

J.D. Pinson, b. 1899

F.O. Pinson, b. 1901

P.M. Pinson, b. 1903

E. Pinson, b. 1905

A.L. Pinson, b. 1909

H. H. Pinson, b. 1910

Jessie D. Eddins, b. 1881

B.B. Eddins, b. 1890

And maybe even some more.

At one point, I thought that the children might be A.T. and B.B. Pinson. If so, the photo is about 1898, as BB looks to be one-ish and two-three-ish. 1899 would be too late--B.B. would be two and A.T. would be bigger. A good guess would be Fall 1898 (B.B. almost one, A.T. two and a half) to Spring 1899 (B. B. one and a half, A. T. three). A. T. died in September 1899.

More as I dig deeper.

Any comments??????