Monday, February 27, 2012

Britta in the 1870 US Census for AL

In the 1870 US Census for AL, Mike and Britannia Flynn are living in Randolph, Bibb County, on the first of June. Brierfield Post Office. Mike is 50, a pudler, born Ireland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read or write, male citizen of the US. Britannia is 36, born in AL, keeping house, can read and write. Also in the household are Ellen McGuire, 15, and Douglas McGuire, 9, both born AL. This family is listed on Page 4 of 53.

Britta and Mike have been married about 18 months at this point.

Starting on Page 1, here is a list of people associated with Britta and her family.

• Household #7: William Hayden, Adeline, Sarah; Drucilla McGuire. Drucilla is Britta's middle girl. She's a domestic servant, probably a mother's helper in the household.

Page 2:

• Household # 9: Wesley Stamps and family. He often lives near Britta. In 1860 he lives in Montevallo near R. C. Ryan, Holsombeck, Epha McInis.

Page 4:

• Household # 28: Mike, Britta, Ellen, and Douglas are on this page.

• Household # 31: Jesse Mahon/Mahan and family. Father of Mary Eveline who married Wiley Large. He is a muck-a-muck who appears on as bondsman on many marriage licenses. Represented Bibb County in the legislature.

Page 6:

• Household # 43: John McKinney, Mary Ann, & family. Mary Ann is Britta's sister/mother/cousin/relative. Britta lived in this household in 1850 in Shelby County.

Household # 45: Charles Rea, brother to James Ray/Rea, whose third wife was Jane McClung; James and Jane lived a few doors from Britta and John McGuire in 1860 in Jefferson County.

Page 7:

• Household # 48: Tempa Wheelis Blankenship and family. Her brothers-in-law/cousins-in-law James and Washington were cited for violence in Shelby County. Also, Washington committed adultery with Nancy Dennis Greene, wife of William Greene. William Greene may be a son of Elijah Greene or a brother of Britta.

• Household # 50: John Oakley with wife Lucinda Espy and mother-in-law Teressa Espy and family. Teressa is the daughter of Mary Calhoun Green and granddaughter of Jane and John Green, Esq.

Page 9:

• Household # 72: Charles Green from Virginia in the household of William Bailey. Probably no relation.

Page 10:

• Household # 73: Alex and Cinthia Hill, parents of Britta's son-in-law, William Randall Hill.

• Household # 75: Joseph Espie, son of Teresa Espy, and great-grandson of Jane and John Green, Esq. He's also in Randolph in 1880.

Page 11:

• Household # 86: Sam and Martha Green and family, including probable brother John and mother Joan (Joanne).

Page 12:

• Household # 92: Jonathan Newton Smith and wife Fanny Green Smith and family. Fannie (Frances) is the daughter of Joscelin B. Green, granddaughter of Jane and John Green, Esq.

• Household # 93: John Mathis and family. Probably J. N. Smith's brother-in-law from a former marriage.

Page 13:

• Household # 94: Charles Carleton and family in the household of Dan Lyon. The Carletons often live near Britta and family.

Page 15:

• Household # 116: Thomas Ferington and Angeline McGuire. Angeline is the daughter of Neeley McGuire, who may be a cousin of Britta's first husband John L. McGuire.

Why, oh why, have I listed all these people???????

It's an attempt to put the evidence all in one place and to find connections. Britta is my brick wall. Argh!!!!! I keep trying to figure out who her parents were. One day the evidence will point out these people. The next day the evidence points to another family. Some day, some day — if I keep finding facts and learning about her — one special day, one piece of evidence will leap out at me and say, "Here I am! I am your missing link!!!!"

And I will rejoice!!!!!!!!

Then publish.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Jno Flin = MIke Flin? And other connections in the 1866 Bibb Census

I suspect that Mike Flin, who married Britta Ann Green McGuire, is the same as Jno Flin in Bibb County in the 1866 AL State Census.

In the 1866 State Census for AL, John Flin is listed in in Bibb County. In the household are one male 20 - 30, one female 0 - 10, and one female 20 - 30. Curiously, there is an odd entry on the line for John Flin's household. It looks like a "1" that's been made into a "0."

The entry for Mr. Flin is right here:

Here are the reasons I think that John Flin might be Mike Flin:

• Same last name and same spelling in various places

• John Flin is living in Bibb County in the same area as people who live in Brierfield, Randolph, Bibb County in 1870. Mike Flin is living in Brierfield, Randolph, Bibb County in 1870.
P. Bean (Pendleton C. Bean) who was the bondsman for Mike Flin, lives nearby. He probably worked with Mike at the Brierfield Ironworks.

Reasons the two men might be different people:

• According to the 1870 and 1880 US Censi for AL, Mike Flynn was born between 1818 and 1820. In 1866 he would have been 46 - 48. John Flin was either 20 - 30 or 30 - 40. (But census takers can make mistakes. Yes, they can.)

• John Flin had a wife and daughter in 1866 (Of course, the wife and child might have died before 1868).

Other connections:

The people and area correspond to the Brierfield, Randolph, Bibb County area in 1870. Indeed on Page 1 of the 1870 US Census for Brierfield P. O., Randolph, Bibb County, we see P. Bean and William Hayden (more on them in a minute).

Neighbors are J. N. Liles, J. W. Mahan, Thomas E. Meroney, F. Ray, Luke Crumpton, William Haden, Thomas Ray, Ward, Brushwood, Thomas Alvis, Mary Gentry. On the next page is P. Bean, Lewis Barnett, Galloway, J. P Wallace, Elisha Fancher, E. T Brasher, B. Edins. On the page before are Elisha Fancher, Pulaski Wallace, Harriet Fancher, L. T McGuire.

Their connections to Britta:

• J. N. Liles is married to Mary Ann Green McKinney's daughter Josephine; probably Britta's niece

• Jesse W. Mahan lives a few doors from Britta and Mike in 1870

• Thomas Meroney is married to Jesse Mahan's sister Catherine

• Luke Crumpton lived next door to the McKinneys in 1850 Shelby

• William Hayden employs Britta's daughter Mary Drucilla in 1879

• Mary Brushwood lives with Thomas Alvis in 1870. Thomas Alvis lives near Britta and Mike in 1870.

• P. Bean is the bondsman on Mike and Britta's marriage license.

• Lewis Barnett's daughter Louquincy is the first wife of Simmin Aaron Edins, who later married Britta's daughter Mary Drucilla.

• Pulaski Wallace is married to Jane Woods, daughter of Robert Woods and Mary Calhoun Green.

• Harriet Fancher is the daughter of L. T. McGuire, who may be related to John L. McGuire, Britta's first husband.