Friday, October 18, 2019

Jeremiah Green

The purpose of this post is to lay out all the information I have collected on Jeremiah Green. Could he be Britta's father????

• Jeremiah Green's first appearance is in the 1820 Census. In the 1820 US Census for NC, Jerramiah Green is in Captain Mooring’s District in Pitt County. In the household are three males 0 - 5 (born 1815 - 1820), one male 26 - 44 (born 1776 - 1794, Jeremiah), one female 26 - 44 (born 1776 - 1794). Three whites under 16, two over 25, one foreigner not naturalized, five people total. Neighbors: David Congleton, Moses Moore, John Rollings, Britton, Crawford, Barnhill, James, Davis, (next page) Keel, Lolley, Reuben & Robert Goganis (Gurganus), Bullock, Davenport, Smiddick Whitley, Mayo.

Most of the neighbors's names were found in the vicinity of Pricilla Pilgreen in 1810 Pitt County. Interesting, no?

• In the 1830 US Census for GA, a Jeremiah Green is living in Houston County. In the household are one male 0 - 5 (born 1825 - 1830), two males 5 - 10 (born 1820 - 1825), two males 10 - 15 (born 1815 - 1820), one male 20 - 30 (born 1800 - 1810), one male 30 - 40 (born 1790 - 1800, Jeremiah). Also in the household are one female under 0 - 5 (born 1825 - 1830), one female 5 - 10 (born 1820 - 1825), and one female 30 - 40 (Born 1790 - 1800). Neighbors: Cobb, Chain, Kent, Gray, Oliver, Mott, McGehee, Duncan, Gobson, Morgan, Rice, Moon, Wellborn.

Jeremiah must be between 36 and 40 in 1830, assuming the Census takers were accurate. If he were 26 in 1820, he would be at least 36 in 1830. And if the male in the 1830 Census is between 30 and 40, then Jeremiah is between 36 and 40. This gives approximate birth years of 1796 to 1800, plus or minus a year or two, depending on the accuracy of the census taker. The same goes for Mrs. Green.

• In 1837 Jeremiah Green bought 39.88 acres lands in Shelby County, AL: Twp 22, 1 W, Section 5, NW1/4, SW1/4, Certificate #21262. Abutters: Bridges, Dalrymple, Darden, Dumas, Kelly, Blanton Moore, Powell, Joseph Roper, Towns, Osborn Echols.

This land is southwest of Columbiana, Shelby County. 

• In March 2019 I went to the Shelby County, AL, Courthouse, looking for Green and Pilgreen land/estate records. I found this indenture in the Shelby County Deed Book H, Pages 112 and 113. For your sake, I won't transcribe all of it, but the important parts to me were:

1. In the margin indexing "J. W. Green & J. M. McClanahan/H Page 148"

1.  ...This deed of trust between Jeremiah P Green the debtor and John M. McClanahan the trustee and John W, Roper the creditor witnessed that whereas the said J. W. Green is justly indebted to the said J. W. Roper in the sum of one hundred dollars due the 1st day of January next which he is desirous to secure...the said Jeremiah PillGreen...the said Pillgreen has granted and sold to the said McClanahan...a certain bay mare and six head of cattle...this 20 September 1838...Before me Thomas Looney an acting J.P. in and for said county personally appeared before me J. W. Green, John McClanahan, & John W. Roper...

Italics are mine.

This document clearly establishes that  Jeremiah W. Green and Jeremiah Pillgreen/Pilgreen are the same person, and that Jeremiah was known as a Pilgreen.

• In 1839 Jeremiah W. Green bought 39.88 acres lands in Shelby County, AL: Twp 22, 1W, Section 4, NE1/4, NE1/4, Certificate #15224. Abutters: Blair, Dumas, Harris, John Roper, Reinhart, Walker, Osborn Echols. Next to Richard Green.

This land is also southwest of Columbiana, Shelby County. 

• In the 1840 US Census for AL, J. Green is living in Shelby County. In the 1840 US Census for AL, J Green is living in Shelby County. In the household are one male 0 - 5 (born 1835 - 1840), one male 5 - 9 (born 1831 - 1835), one male 10 -14 (born 1826 - 1830), one male 40 - 49 (born 1790 - 1800, J. Green). There are also one female under five (born 1835 - 1840), one female 5 - 9 (born 1831 - 1835), one female 30 - 39 (born 1801 - 1810). Three persons employed in agriculture, five people under 20, two people 20 - 49, no slaves, total people 7. Neighbors: Musick, Mabery, Monk, Prim, Harthent (reads as “Northent” or similar), Horten, McCammack, Layton, Steel, Slane, Oaks, Isbell, S. McClanahan, Willis Morgan, Crawford, Watrous, Nickels, Kelly, B Moare (Moore), Ray, Smith, Goold, R(ichard) Green, E. Green, Brasher, Martin, Roberson.*%26gsfn_x%3d1%26gsln_x%3dNS%26msrdy_x%3d1%26msrpn__ftp%3dshelby%252c%2balabama%252c%2busa%26msrpn__ftp_x%3d1%26msrpn%3d2683%26msrpn_x%3d1%26hc%3d50%26new%3d1%26rank%3d1%26uidh%3dwy5%26redir%3dfalse%26msT%3d1&backlabel=ReturnSearchResults#?imageId=4411216_00727

Willis Morgan lives a few families away from J.P. & Mary Ann Green McKinney in 1850.

As does the son of S(amuel) McClanahan. Right next door. And the father of John Roper.

There are no good candidates for Shelby County's Jeremiah Green in the 1850. If you search on "Jer* *Green" born 1790 - 1800, you get four results. Two are female, which eliminates them. The two males are enumerated in New England states—which doesn't necessarily eliminate them, but seems unlikely given the general direction (south and west) of our Jeremiah's migration. If you search using Jer* Green" born 1790 - 1800, you get eight results. Five are female. The males are all in New England. If you search "J. Green" born 1790 - 1800, there is one male candidate in Tennessee. Not impossible, but not likely, either.

It is highly likely that Jeremiah Green died between 180 & 1850. Possibly in Shelby County, AL.

So far that is all I have found out about Jeremiah Green. In the next post, I'll examine where the evidence leads.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Greens & Pilgreens in early Pitt County, NC

Why investigate Greens and Pilgreens in early Pitt County censuses? Because DNA says Britta Ann Green and Graphen Holt Green were probably brother and sister. Because GHG's pension application says he was born in Pitt County, SC. There is no Pitt County SC. There is however a Pitt County, NC. Plus GHG's census entries all say he was born in NC, as do most entries for the parents of Britta Ann Green (my brick wall). 

The more I investigate Greens & Pilgreens in Pitt County, NC, the more I find. And usually there are very few references to these folks anywhere on the internet. The purpose of this entry to is list them all and see if I can find any patterns. To begin:

The 1790 Census

• In the 1790 US Census for NC, William Pilgreen is listed. In the household are three other free whites. Since there are no females listed, they must all be men. Since there are no males of 26 and upwards, and no males of under 16, they must be three free white males 16 - 26 (born 1764 to 1774), with William being the oldest.

Neighbors: Kelly, Jolly, James, Cason, Ward, Harwell, Perkins, Dannels, Page. Nearby but not too close are Mobley, Bullock, William Congleton, Peal, Robeson. All these names are associated in later censuses with surnames that show up in DNA matches.

• George Green, Pitt County, Neighbors: Whelan, Hall, Wilcox, Moye, Easton, Adams, Noble, Hall, one Bullock & one Robeson. Not too many associated families, so I pay attention to but discount George as an ancestor. 

The 1800 Census

• In the 1800 US Census for NC, George Green is in Greenville, PItt County. In the household are three males under 10, one male 26 - 44, one female 26 - 44, and six slaves. Three people under 16, two over 25, six slaves. Neighbors: Warren, Woodford, Cobb, Atkinson, Alfred, Hearn, Hathaway.

Not much to see here. 

The 1810 Census

• In the 1810 US Census for NC, Presiden (reads as “Presilla”) Pilgreen is living in Pitt County, NC. In the household are two males under 10 (born 1800 - 1810), two males 16 - 25 (born 1785 - 1796), one female 16 - 25 (born 1785 - 1796), 1 female 26 - 44 (Priscilla, born 1766 - 1786); two people under 16, one over 25, six people in the household. Neighbors: Chana (O’hara??), Jolly or Lolly, Legat, Allen Caughton (reads as "Congleton"), Moore, Garganus, Taylor, Borough, Knox, Briton, Handcok, Richard, Smith, Jones, Ward, Andrews, Crawford, Davenport, Rollin.

• In the 1810 US Census for NC, James Pillgreen is living in Pitt County. He is the male 26 - 44 (born 1766 - 1794), only person in household. Neighbors include Moore, Pinckett, Spear, Albriton, Daniel, Jolly, Mobley, James, Congleton, Robert Goganus (Gurganus).,%2520north%2520carolina,%2520usa%26msrpn__ftp_x%3D1%26msrpn%3D2374%26msrpn_x%3D1%26new%3D1%26rank%3D1%26uidh%3Dwy5%26redir%3Dfalse%26msT%3D1%26gss%3Dangs-d%26pcat%3D35%26fh%3D40%26h%3D395039%26recoff%3D%26ml_rpos%3D41&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=FiQ9&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true&_ga=2.156435762.88277443.1564071291-251312360.1564071291#?imageId=4433311_00458

Oddly he was indexed as "James Pillbsin" at Ancestry, but if you look at the entry, it is clearly "James Pilgreen."

• In the 1810 US Census for NC, George Greene is in Pitt County, In the household are one male under 10, two males 10 - 15, one male 26 - 44, one males 45 and over. There are also two females under 10, one female 26 - 44. 18 slaves. Five people under 16, three people over 25, and 26 in the household. Neighbors: Brooks, Deberry, Armstrong, Jones, Tison, Moye, Taylor, Laughingham, Garnor.

The 1820 Census

• In the 1820 US Census for NC, Edmond Pilgreen is in Captain Clark's District, Pitt County. In the household are one male 16 - 25 (born 1795 - 1804, Edmond), one female under 10 (born 1810 - 1820), one female 16 - 25 (born 1795 - 1804), one foreigner not naturalized, three total. Neighbors: lots of Mobleys, Patty Pilgreen, Abraham Congleton, Burke, Wicke, Barrow, Quarden, Dudley, Clark, Little, Vanoorden, Lolly, Hugh Pilgreen, Elizabeth Lolley, Linnier (Lanier?).

• In the 1820 US Census for NC, Patty Pilgreen is living in Captain Clark’s District. In the household is one male 10 - 16 years old (born 1804 - 1810) and one female of 45 plus years (born 1775 or before). Neighbors: Edmond Pilgreen, Mobley, Congleton, Buck, Barrow, Wick, Quarden, Linner, Dudley, Clarke, Whitehead, Brinkley, Smith.

Could this be Priscilla Pilgreen from 1810 Pitt County census??? Could Edmond be the son of Patty?

• In the 1820 US Census for NC, Hugh Pilgreen is living in Captain Clarke’s District in Pitt County. In the household are one male under 10 (born 1810 - 1820), one male 26 - 44 (born 1776 - 1794), one female under 10 (born 1810 - 1820), one female 26 - 44 (born 1776 - 1794); one foreigner not naturalized; two free white people over 25; two FWP under 16; four total. Neighbors: Kinsall, Moore, Lolley, Dudley, James, Crandal, Jones, Haladay; next page two Pilgreens (Patty and Edmond).

• In the 1820 US Census for NC, Jerramiah Green is in Captain Mooring’s District in Pitt County. If you read all six pages, you'll discover that he's actually in Captain Carney's District. In the household are three males 0 - 5 (born 1815 - 1820), one male 26 - 44 (born 1776 - 1794, Jeremiah), one female 26 - 44 (born 1776 - 1794). Three whites under 16, two over 25 (Jeremiah & wife), one foreigner not naturalized, five people total. Neighbors: David Congleton, Moses Moore, John Rollings, Britton, Crawford, Barnhill, James, Davis, (next page) Keel, Lolley, Reuben & Robert Goganis (Gurganus), Bullock, Davenport, Smiddick, Whitley, Mayo.

• In the 1820 US Census for NC, Charles Green in is Captain Wallis's Districr, Pitt County. In the household are one mail 16 - 25, one female 16 -25, two male slaves 26 - 44, one foreigner not naturalized, on person engages in commerce, on person in manufacturing, Total whites: 2. Total slaves, 2. Total all people: 4. Neighbors: Ewell, Wallis, Moye, Bell, Forbs, Ellis, Eason,  Evans, Chearry, Smith.

• In the 1820 US Census for NC, Sary Green is in Greenville, Captain Moye's District. In the household are one free white male 16 - 25, two white females under 10, one female 10 - 15, one female over 45, and five slaves. Neighbors: Rix, Robertson, Bell, Johnson, Brooks, Bond, James C. Green, Tison.

• In the 1820 US Census for NC, James C. Green is living in Greenville, Captain Moye's District. In the household is one free white male 16 - 25. One person engaged in manufacturing, one person total. Neighbors: Merril, Brickle, Grines, Buck, Harrison, Brown. James C. is very close to Sary Green. Maybe they are son and mother?

• • As it happens, there's an Isaac Pilgreen and a Peggy Green in neighboring Beaufort County in 1820, but for the moment I am confine my investigation to Pitt County.

By 1830 the only Green or Pilgreen left in Pitt County is Hugh Green, or his wife actually.

What can we learn from this?

From the birthdates of Britta's probable siblings I have pieced together the family's migration. Could be right, could be wrong, but it's the best I can come up with for now. 

The family started in Pitt County, NC, where the three older siblings I can ID were born (Mary Ann, Graphen, Mahala). The family moved to GA sometime between 1826 (Mahala) and 1832 (Nancy Elizabeth Ellen) and were in AL by 1834 (Britta). 

So that eliminates Hugh Green's family. 

Where are the other Green/Pilgreens in 1830? Stay tuned.