Saturday, April 28, 2012


Britta Ann Green McGuire Flynn's second daughter was named Mary Drusilla. Often she went only by the name Drucilla, Drucillar, or Drusillar. The spellings are not consistent from record to record, so forgive me if I'm not too careful about spelling the name with an "s," a "c," or an "sc."

The name has come down in the family. Which family members carried the name through the generations, and where did it come from? 

The first question is much easier to answer than the second question. 

Here is a list of women who carried "Drucilla" or a variation (Drusilla, Druscilla, Drusillar, etc).

• Mary Drucilla McGuire Eddins/Edins, Britta's second daughter

• Minnie Drusilla Hill, daughter of Britta's first daughter Ellen Nora McGuire Hill

• Mary Drusilla Edins/Eddins, daughter of Jessie Douglas, Mary's son. 

• Carrie Drusilla Edins Barksdale, daughter of Mary Drucilla McGuire Edins. 

• My sister Druscilla

There are probably more. I just discovered that Carrie Edins's middle name was Drusilla. 


The first question is much, much harder to answer. But I have two theories. 

Theory #1:

One of Britta's direct or close ancestors or relatives was named Drucilla. Names in our family get passed down a lot, so it's a viable theory. The theory leads one to consider: 

• Drucilla Jensy Crump (wife of Burwell Green)

• Elizabeth Drucilla Williamson and 

• Drucille Howard (who both lived in Shelby around the same time as Britta)

• Drucille Dearman (related to Roadlander, Jourdan, Dill, and Green families in St. Clair County)

• Mary Drucilla Sawyer from Talledega County who married Nunley and Rushing

And so on. 

Theory #2:

What I consider the more plausible of the two.

• In the 1860 US Census for AL, Britta and John McGuire lived in Jefferson County next to Dr. James M. Ragsdale and his wife Drucilla. Britta named her second daughter for sister Mary (Ann Green McKinney) and great friend Drusilla (maiden name unknown) Ragsdale. 


While I may never know why Britta and John named their second daughter Mary Drusilla, it could be an important clue in breaking down the brick wall of Britta Ann Green McGuire Flynn.

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