Monday, March 25, 2019

Richard Green—Britta's dad? Part 1

The purpose of this post is to explore whether Richard Green of Shelby County, AL, could be Britta Ann Green's father. By the end both parts, I hope to come to a definitive answer. 

I am just back from Shelby County, AL, where we spent time at both the Shelby County Museum and Archives and the SC Courthouse. Not much in the Archives (except lovely, helpful aides) but gold at the Courthouse. 

Let's begin with what we know for sure about the father of Britta Ann Green:

• He was born in either NC or SC (various censuses)

• He was in AL in 1834 (Britta's birth)

• He does not show up any time in any way in Britta's life after 1850, when Britta is living with the family of Mary Ann Green/e McKinney in Shelby County, AL during the 1850 Census.

That's it. 

Here's what may be true about the father of Britta Ann Green:

• He may have been known in Davidson McGuires's neighborhood (Jefferson, Shelby, Bibb Counties). Davidson's letter to Judge Bagley giving permission for son John L. to marry Britta gives basic information about Britta and says that "all is willing to it."

• He may have been married to Nancy Greene, born 1794 in NC, living with John & Mary Ann Green McKinney (McKinnie) in Shelby County during the 1850 Census.

• He may also be the father of Mary Ann Green McKinney and/or Graphen Holt Green and/or Nancy Elizabeth Ellen Green Garrett Adams. 

Or not.

Now let's look at what we can prove about Richard Green of Shelby County.

1. Richard Green is not listed in the 1820 US Census for Shelby County, AL.

Richard Green likely arrived in Shelby County between 1820 and 1830 because of the next item. 

2. An Index to Early Deed Book, 1827

"Early Deed Book" with dates of recording beginning January 1827 with a few recorded in the years 1833 and 1834 was found away from the courthouse depository, reportedly in a trash can. A member of the Shelby County Historical Society rescued this book. The front cover of the original deed book is missing and the book begins with page 148. However, it appears to be complete from that page to the end of the book, which has the original back cover.

In 1980 Tom O. Caldwell, M.D. transcribed this early deed book listing many names as witnesses, state and county officials, and other valuable genealogical data. As noted by Dr. Caldwell, the page listing the alphabetical Direct and Reverse INDEX was present and only one deed was not found.

Lists on Pages 159 - 160 from Richard Green to Meredith Seal and West Allen Seal. Gift Deed. Legatee of estate of Elijah Seal, dec.

The original is found in the Shelby County Deed Book A - E, pp. 116 -117. Richard Green "for love and affection" grants the two males his part of the land that "may belong" to him as a legatee of Eliza (Elijah) Seal. The land is in Township 22, Section 13, Range One West. The land becomes theirs at age 21, but till then it is to be used to sustain "Nancy Seal, their natural mother." The indenture is dated November 5, 1825. Recorded February 2, 1827. 

So Richard Green was in Shelby County at least by Fall 1825.

3. In the 1830 US Census for AL, Richard Green is in Shelby County. In the household are one male 0 - 5 (Unknown, born 1825 - 1830), two males 5 - 10 (born 1820 - 1825), and one male 30 - 40 (Richard, born 1790 - 1800). There are also one female 0 - 5 (born 1825 - 1830), one female 10 - 15 (born 1815 - 1820), and one female 20 - 30 (his wife, born 1800 - 1810). Neighbors: Lee, Harper, King, Mardis, McClanahan, Seals, Owens, Williams, Hobs, Elijah Green, Blankenship, Josiah Quinn, Post, Mabry, Maxwell, Carden, Akins, Michael Ragsdale, Elliott, William Armstrong, McAdams, Nall, Mundine, Brasher, McGehee, Shelton, White, Thweatt.

4. The next time we see Richard Green is in the Shelby County Deed Book F & G in August 1837. On Page 193 "Richard and Lecy Green, wife of Richard Green" sell land in Section 15 Township 22 Range One West to C.H. Rowe for $600. The deed is dated August 3, 1837, and recorded September 14, 1837. Witnesses were J. M. McClanahan and Samuel Green. Richard Green signed and Lecy Green made her mark. Recorded by O. B, Hovis.

Richard Green's wife was Lecy. There was a Samuel Green in town. It's likely that Samuel was not one of the boys in Richard's 1830 household because those males were 5 - 10—too young to be legal witnesses.

5. On the same trip into town, Richard Green bought land from David and Martha Nelson for $1,200. The land was Section 24 Township 22 Range One West. The deed is dated September 12, 1837. Witnessed by John M. McClanahan and John Strain, recorded September 15, 1837, by O B, Hovis.

Richard Green was well enough off to buy land. 

6. On October 14, 1837, "Jeacy Green wife of the said Richard Green" and Richard sell a piece of land to Charles Mundine. The land is described in Shelby County Deed Book H on Pages 57 and 58 as located in Section 3 Township 22 Range One West. The sales price is $335. Justice of the Peace A. A. Stirit (Sterritt) witnessed the sale. It was filed and recorded on December 11, 1837.

And more land.

7. On September 20, 1839, Richard Green was issued a patent on land in Shelby County. Two 22 S, Range 1 West, Section 15, Aliquot E1/2NE. On the current map this is near Routes 42 and 37, near Hillsdale and Columbiana. His abutters were Greenberry Seal, Jackson Porter, Edmund King, Welden Coker, Howell Sammons, Zerrell (Pil)Green, John Lowry.

More land.

8.  Let's assume that Richard Green is the R. Grun in Shelby County in 1840. (More on that in Part 2) In the household there are two males 0 - 5 (born 1835 - 1840), two males 15 - 20 (born 1820 - 1825), one male 40 - 50 (Richard, born 1790 - 1800, consistent with the 1830 Census), one female 5 - 10 (born 1830 - 1835), one female 10 - 15 (born 1825 - 1830), and one female 30 - 40 (born 1800 - 1810, consistent with wife from 1830 Census). Neighbors: Thomas, Cooper, Slane (Sloane?), Hortons, G T or Y. Mason, Lawrence, Williams, Graff, Salster, Ham, Baker, Adams, James Merrell, Dickerson, Gilbert, E. Green, Henley, Glasscock, Mabry, Prim, I or J. Green, Steel, S. McLanahan, Nickles, Kelly, Quin, Brasher, Ellison.

9. On December 8, 1841, Richard Green used a piece of land as collateral for a $125 loan from Bryant Rushing. The land was in Section 23 Township 22 Range One West. The note was due December 25, 1842. If Richard failed to pay back the loan, Bryant could advertise and sell the land in order to recover payment. Witnessed by Noel Mason. Filed and recorded on December 13, 1841, by Noel Mason in Shelby County Deed Book H on pages 241 & 242.

10. Shelby County Deed Book H shows an 1841 entry on Pages 243 & 244. In it "Richard Green and his wife Leacy of the County of Shelby" sold land in Section 15 Township 22 Range One West for $300 to John M. McClanahan. The indenture is dated November 27, 1841, witnessed by Samuel McClanahan, Henry Harless, Noel Mason, and recorded on December 31, 1841, by Samuel McClanahan.

11. In Shelby County Deed Book I on Pages 19 & 20 Anderson Chapman and his wife Sophronia sell to Richard Green Section 23 Township 22 Range One West for $250. The sale is dated October 1, 1841. The witness was Henry Harless. Filed and recorded on January 1843 by Noel Mason.

12. This next transaction, located on Page 20 of the Shelby County Deed Book I, is hard to read. As best I can make out, it says that on the 30th of December 1842 "Richard Green and Leesa Green his wife" sold a piece of land to Howell Sammons for $160. The description of the land looks like Section 23 Township 22 Range One West. Abraham Smith witnessed the sale on December 30, 1842. It was recorded January 28, 1843. Can't read the recorders name, but it was probably Noel Mason.

1842 is the last year that Richard Green shows up on documents anywhere. 

So how well does Richard Green match the known criteria to be Britta Green's dad? Let's see: he was in AL in 1834, and he doesn't show up after 1850. We don't know where he was born (yet).

Thus far he matches two out of three criteria. Could he be Britta's dad???

Read on for Part 2. 

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