Thursday, July 25, 2019

Book Pilgreen—Britta's dad?

I honestly don't know. Yet.

What do we know about Britta's father? See my earlier posts. To summarize:

• He was born in either North Carolina or South Carolina.

• He was old enough to father a child.

• He was in the Shelby/Bibb/Jefferson County area by 1834, when Britta was born.

• He was probably out of the area and definitely out of the picture by 1850, when Britta was living in the household of Mary Ann Green and John P. McKinney.

Now let's look at Book.

• Book Pilgreen was born in either Kershaw County, South Carolina (maybe as shown in 1820 U.S. Census) or North Carolina (as shown in the 1850 U.S. Census).


• Born around 1775, he was old enough to father a child in 1834 (age 60).


• He was in Shelby County as shown by the 1830 Census and the 1832 deed of sale for son Jesse in the Shelby County Deed Book A - E, Page 503.


• He moved from Shelby County to Union Parish, LA, by 1850, as shown by the 1850 U.S. Census.


Book checks all the boxes so far.

How about the DNA?

All the DNA kits of the all people I know are descended from/related to Britta go back to Book Pilgreen. Every single one of them,

Book is looking pretty good as a candidate for Britta's dad so far, don't you think?

But there are other possible explanations.

1. Maybe Mary Ann Green was Britta's mom and had the baby out of wedlock.

Mary Ann was born in 1822 in NC. She would have been only 12 when she had Britta, but very young motherhood has happened before. A baby out of wedlock was usually given the mother's surname. That would explain Britta's surname and why Davidson McGuire wrote the permission slip for son John and Britta's wedding. It would also explain why Britta stayed so close to Mary Ann from 1850 - 1870.

2. Mary Ann could have had a different maiden name and married a Green.

The only recorded marriage that fits the requirements is Lewis Tyus Green to Mary C. Cox, St. Clair County, 1832. Lewis and his Mary are in Talledega County in 1850.

It's not possible for Lewis and Mary to be Britta's parents, who were consistently listed as being born in the Carolinas. None of "my" DNA kits lead back to them, or Burrell Green, Lewis' father. All of the DNA kits of people I know are descended from Mary Ann Green McKinney lead back to Book Green.

3. Could Mary Ann be an unknown daughter of Book?

Possible but unlikely. As far as I can tell, Book had two daughters, Rebecca "Rizpha" and Louisa. I have compared all censuses Book is listed in, and all the young females are accounted for.

4. Maybe Book's brother was Britta's father? That would explain why the DNA kits I manage trace back to Book. This theory needs work.

Maybe as I go through the data for Pitt County, NC, I can find more clues to tie Book Pilgreen to Britta. But that's it for now.

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