Saturday, October 1, 2011

My new blog about the Green family: Britta Ann, Mary Ann, and all the others I can find

Taking a break from studying for an important upcoming exam, I've decided to create a new blog to share my discoveries about the Green/Greene family. Specifically Britta Ann Green, Mary Ann Green, their parents and descendants.

Britta Ann Green was my great-great-great-grandmother. She is also my brick wall. I can go back to the 1660's with some of my ancestors, but I'm stuck on Britta's parents. I have some well-supported theories that I will share in the blog, but no hard evidence that her parents were XX and XY. Can anyone prove who they were???

The book The Seven Daughters of Eve sparked my interest in Britta many years ago. Brian Sykes, who wrote the book, offers a DNA testing service through Oxford Hubby paid for me to take the DNA test for Christmas several years ago. (Thank you, dear.) The results showed that I am descended from Helena, the earliest "daughter of Eve." Makes sense. Early human survivors had to store food and fat efficiently in case of famine. All the women in my mother's family store fat efficiently. Unfortunately, some of us have a hard time getting rid of it, too. But I digress.

Oxford Ancestors tests mitochondrial DNA, which passes unchanged from mother to daughter to granddaughter to great-granddaughter, etc., unless there is a mutation. Each time one of Helena's female descendants had a major mutation, she passed it on unchanged to her female descendants. So there were roughly seven of these mutations in all. No mutations = goes all the way back to Helena. That's the short version.

Britta is as far back in the line as I have gotten. I have a strong urge driving me to find the identity her parents, especially her mother. Because then I will be able to follow the line back even farther. Gotta gotta gotta do it.

So anyway, that's the motivation for my obsession--excuse me, interest--in Britta Ann Green McGuire Flynn and family.

Britta, who's your mommy????????

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